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冰島故事特定明信片 x 2024年座曆

Sunny Photography 明信片系列包含20張作品,當中有風景|城市|大自然的照片混合一起, 每張明信片的背後印上該幅畫面的黑白版本,讓喜愛黑白作品的每一位都能馬上欣賞到不同色調和感覺。

另外由Sunny一手設計和製作的 : 【 可替換畫面式月曆 x 記事木座 】 屬於一套可以隨時隨著各下的喜好而更換畫面的座曆,配用Sunny原創的月曆卡,用家只需先把當刻最喜歡的明信片放到木座上, 再把月曆卡放在明信片前,就可以即時完成一幅不一樣的月曆,務求創作出打破傳統月曆完全不同的風格與可用性。


Sunny Photography Postcard Collection includes 20 pictures, with the combination of Landscape | City | Nature together. Each postcards are printed in colors on the front and  black & white on the back, for users to display a total different tone and mood anytime they prefer. Meanwhile the “Image-Changeable Calendar” is an unique creation for users to change the face of the calendar anytime at ease; by using the calendar cards originally designed by Sunny, users select their favourite postcard and set on the wood stand first, then place the calendar card on front and it finishes a new look of the calendar. It breaks the limitation and tradition of calendars for having a whole new way and flexibility to create your own calendar.

冰島明信片 x 2024座曆 | Iceland Postcard x Calendar 2024

  • 冰島故事特定明信片 x 2024年座曆

    - 純明信片: 20張明信片

    - 峽谷版:20張明信片, 12張月曆卡, 小木座

    - 高地版:20張明信片, 12張月曆卡, 大木座, 木筆, 筆夾, 便條卡一盒